Thursday, December 9, 2010

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Riley's adventures with Alice in Wonderland

I can't believe I have never read this book, neither could anyone else as it turns out.
Earlier this week, My father and I ventured out into Rural NSW to play courier again. KNowing that there was a good chance I would be bored out of my mind, I took my Kobo eReader along on the trip. I have been going through the Kobo in Alphabetical order so having read the adventures of Tom Sawyer which resulted in me electing to skip over the adventures of Huckelberry Finn and deciding that I really wouldn't stand much chance of getting through the 100+ chapters of Aesop's fables I opened Alice's adventures in wonderland.
This book is so well written. Lewis Carol writes in such an engaging and expressive way that the events and characters of the book leap off the page in HD colour and carry the reader away in the same way that Alice has been carried away. I was expecting this story to be far darker from what I had known of it before and was, quite honestly, pleasantly surprised at how bright it was while still being intelligent and odd. I think references people have read into the text are highly exaggerated and have come from people who are of the belief that anything that is out of the ordinary and beyond this world must need revolve around chemical enhancement. Yes, The girl eats mushrooms that make her taller and shorter and sees talking white rabbits etc, but this text pre dates the stories and songs (such as 'White Rabbit') that used the visuals of Wonderland to represent the intoxified state.
I would recommend this book to anyone who hasn't read it (even though I think I might be the only one) as it is fun and innocent as well as being inightful and clever with multiple layers that are presented in a way that is not as self indulgent and forcefully cliched as some other anti-children's fiction (I am looking at you, Snicket). Fun for all ages

The holiday Rut takes over

The opinions expressed in the following blog may not be my own. They may be the feelings and opinions of the holiday rut.

Relaxing holiday = Stress, boredom, apathy and depression
I have been on holidays for about 2-3 weeks since Uni ended for the year and already I am the feelings usually reserved for 2 months into this 3 month break. This depression usually sinks in as I find myself in a rut of having nothing to do and no direction for my days with television and music no longer satisfying my urges to waste time.
The ironic part of the holiday rut coming early is that I have been pretty busy the whole time.

Last week saw me work all weekend washing trucks and then follow it up with working at a courier for a night driving paper cups around South Western Sydney. I was quite impressed with my car, which has been giving me trouble lately, in terms of it's reliability and economy for this long period of driving.

I was fortunate enough to be able to have some alone time with Kate for a few days. I got to sleep while she was at work and then got to pester her while she tried to sleep. All in all it was a pleasant time, however, It may have been the start of the rut. The waiting around and oversleeping while Kate was at school and work tricked my body into thinking it was bored and that there was nothing to do despite the fact that I have some projects that I am currently working on that have set deadlines.

One of the aforementioned projects involves Dinkibike. After a meeting with our management at which I think some wires got crossed, we have been given the task of producing one song a week up until the end of January with our producer coming to check on progress every fortnight. In one respect, this is a good thing as we have discovered that the band does not work diligently without a deadline. On the other hand, in practice, this deadline has so far not produced any real fruits and is not the way we usually go about writing.
I have been very proud of our Drummer, Michael, for producing 2 sets of very good lyrics that have formed the basis of the first two songs that we will present to our producer. I am concerned that the method of songwriting that we are currently working with will ultimately result in these two songs of Mike's falling by the wayside as they are not being given time to grow organically and are being forced and causing the band to have resentment and apathy towards the songs. There is certainly potential in these songs but I am unsure if the potential will be reached under this high pressure situation that is putting strains on relationships in the band and our relationship with the band. Last night, we found ourselves struggling to find motivation and I was very close to walking out of the rehearsal room forever. There are a variety of reasons for this besides the deadlines that have been building up for a little while now and we have discovered that talking them out just results in bullshit from all participants. It is getting harder and harder to recover from these feelings than it used to be. The lack of success the band has had in the past year and our personal responsibilities and obligations are making the band an obligation that is not very fun right now. Last night I wrote the embryo of two songs, from the dynamics in the band and the softer nature of the songs themselves, there is little chance that I will present this to the band to be ignored and have my self esteem beaten down even more. I have produced a couple of bits and pieces that I will offer to the band but I don't expect that they will be acknowledged so I will be putting my creative energy into whatever little ideas pop in to my head whether they are appropriate for the band or not. If I don't feel like giving them to the band or the band overlook these tunes I am going to share them with all of my friends by way of YouTube. Hopefully this will see my love for music return.
Once again, The holiday rut is playing into my thoughts regarding the band and I do need to be aware of the rut's influence over my thought processes before making any decisions. These guys are my best friends and we have had some great times and produced some music that has made us happy and if we can resume being happy and having fun then Dinkibike will never end and will only be stronger for this experience. I just fear that there is only so many times that we can bounce back.
One band project that excites me is our YouTube channel which we are hoping to launch at full steam once my holiday rut passes and I can't start working constructively with the guys to produce and edit some entertaining stuff and hopefully encourage the wider world to care in the slightest about what we are doing because it is hard to care about yourself when no one cares about you.
My car runs out of rego on Saturday so I expect to have no money yet again have another rut filled week next week.
I am hoping to be able to send my documents for my DET meeting tomorrow. If I can't manage this, I will know that the rut has well and truly set in and that I need a job or something else to fill my time.

The Holiday rut that bites the tongue

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

half a song

Do you want to be found out
shut your mouth
Do you wanna hear what they have said
Do you want to be dead?

Do you want to leave your man
and contend
deal with truth and pain and consequence
Do you want to regret?

I'll handle it
keep it secret
if you can bite your tongue
and promise to keep it too
we don't know
what they'll do
when they know what we've been up to

we're beautiful

Have never seen your face before
This is anticapation
Have wanted you so long

You walk into the room
all eyes have turned to you
and then gracefully you step aside

What amazes me
is the way you fail to see that you're beautiful

Have never seen this place before
in my imagination
Time is stretched so far and long

As you walk into this room
the lights all shine for you
and gracefully you step inside

and what amazes me is the way you fail to see
that its all for you

am standing here outside your door
This is anticipation
and stare right into you
You let me in the room
and deep inside of you
And i never want to leave your side

What amazes me
Is the warmth you give to me
and we're beautiful

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Trade

The Trade

A small boost in ego
A big taste of guilt
A big chance of destruction
A discretion of corruption
A sad self seduction

To choose to abuse the trust of the few
To please and pamper the willing and shamed
To hurt the co-conspirators
To spread around the pain
To be selfish and self-destructive

For no reason really righteous
For no particular lust
For no particular desire
For shameful weakness and pettiness
For indulgence as I liar

All in the face of comfort
All in the press of the page
All in absence of mind and logic
All a mistake
All a mistake

A small boost in ego
To be selfish and self destructive
For indulgence as a liar
All a mistake
All a mistake
The Trade

Monday, August 30, 2010

A bit of writing I came up with

Something I'm cooking up. Thought i'd get it out.
I'm not sure if it will be a poem or a song yet. I kind of lost the rhythm I had in my head as well as the melody.
Really not sure what kind of tempo i had in my head in poetry terms.
I figured it would be good to get some of it written down.
It was better in my head.

Dancing on Graves
we're standing on the train
where we starved in pain
many many years ago

we came to make a statement
that we got through the grey
that we weren't defeated
that we're standing today

we're dancing on the graves
to tell them we're alive
as we smile and wave
we know what we survived

I'm alive I'm alive
and i'll dance through the night
I survived I survived
no matter how much you tried
to deny me the right to continue my life
we're dancing on the graves of ....

Monday, August 16, 2010

Boat People

This is a short Blog about an issue in the election that is annoying me.
The good ol' aussie Xenophobia is back in a big way around this year's election in the form of 'Boat people' boogeyman.
I would just like to point out that 'Boat people' is a red herring of sorts, a distraction that is satisfying the Australia LCDs need to keep foreigners while acting as a basis on which to justify their stance against immigration into the country.
I am not here to discuss my views on Immigration, both legal and illegal but I am just trying to get people to see through the rhetoric.
The politicians are announcing policies on Boat people as it is a hot topic, it is not, however, inclusive of their policies on other forms of immigration. If most of these boat people haters are completely honest with themselves, they are opposed to mass immigration into the country, both legal and illegal. The boat people issue is NOT an immigration policy. It is a policy regarding the actions taken to enforce something that is already illegal. The politicians are satisfying your xenophobia under the assumption that the public will associate a boat people policy with a restriction of immigration.
Just something to think about.
This entry is not about my philosphies on racism or immigration restriction, I am just trying to identify political rhetoric for y'all. Just because an issue has noteriety and is dramatic does not mean that it the biggest issue, Boat people are a small factor in immigration. They're just a more interesting aspect.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Religion in music - Ed Kowalczyk

Time for some controversy.
Unless you've been living under a rock (or aren't awesome) you would be aware that my favourite band LIVE have broken up. following this break-up 3 of the members have joined some other awesome rocks to form 'The gracious few' while the lead man Ed Kowalczyk has gone down the path of solo music.
I'm not in denial and I am aware that the past few years of Live have sucked and it has pretty much been a solo project for Ed anyway but his newest single Grace has left a bad taste in my music which has lead me to doubt whether I will buy his album or go to see him when he comes to Sydney.
The song itself has all the tools to be successful on Radio, however, it doesnt do a good job of hiding the fact that it is designed to be a hit (I hope you understand what I mean) it is completely formulaic with smooth verses and 'heavy' chorus. There is a nice melody in the chorus it is, however, the lyrics which have turned me off.

The lyrics start off harmless enough in the first verse and chorus. I was a little uncomfortable with them as I'm not a religious person but Ed has always sung about the spiritual and I have enjoyed it. The reason I have enjoyed it is that it has always centred on the individual's communion with the universe including nature, his fellow man and his spirit. A song like Run to the water for example has some great metaphor for running to the spiritual release of nature and the universe. Grace, I feel crosses a line from being a 'spiritual song' to being a religious or even 'Christian' song. I'm talking Hillsong style Y'know? "Praise him" and all that jazz. The lyric that epitomises this is "Every time I feel the sunshine I thank the lord up above for seeing something I couldn't see at all". This has alienated me as a non religious fan and I'm sure I'm not the only one.
The difference between a song like this and 'heaven' for example is that Heaven has a personal touch and is about the singer's feeling that heaven is manifested in his daughters in other words. The song is about his daughters with heaven being a metaphor for how deeply he loves them etc and this is beautiful. Hell even a song like 'Love shines' puts religion in a position of objectivity talking about how the different prophets are a great example of how to treat each other.
While that lyric in Grace may sound personal. There is nothing new about it. Ed might as well have gone to Church and taken notes from the priest and written them down. This is nothing we haven't heard before from CHRISTIAN bands who are at least up front about their intentions. I expect better from Ed and i demand deeper meaning than surface 'faith' in music that is suppose to address the spirit.
Now there is why I may refrain from buying the album.
Here is why I'll avoid the concert.
The reason I would go is to hear my favourite Live tunes played by one of the greatest songwriters ever. While his acoustic show was a little bit corny, it wasn't horrible and it was a nice communal feeling in the audience. Here is the big turnoff - On the Fans of live message board I have heard word that Ed has been changing the lyrics to old Live songs to follow in with his newly realised christianity. Thats right folks, Apparently the lyrics to selling the drama "And to christ, a cross and to me, a chair, I will sit and earn a ransom from up here" have been replaced with "and to christ, a cross, and to me, a chair, I will sit and praise him from down here"
Obviously Ed doesn't feel those old songs represent his anymore. If this is the case he shouldn't play them. It isn't like these songs are completely blasphemous to start with. They just throw questioning and personal angst and perspective to these issues. I feel that Ed is shitting on his legacy and if anything is reducing his chances of opening up his audiences spiritual eyes by being some obvious.
To me, these factors have demonstrated that it may be that Ed is all spirit and no soul.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Quarter life crisis

Today I uploaded my first video to YouTube You can check it out at contains footage from 5-6 years ago of some of Dinkibike's first shows. I watched myself in this footage - A Skinny, tall kid with multicoloured hair and a tonne of attitude playing music with his friends and giving a big "Fuck you" to the world. We may have been rebelling against the usual teen cliched stuff but it just didn't matter, We felt important.At what point do we decide that it is time to grow up, that these causes are unworthy and we lose the edge and attitude of sincerely not caring what anyone else thinks and being happy to be a freak? Why is it that as our actions become more significant to the world around us we feel that we are insignificant and we can't change the world?These are questions I don't have the answer to right now but I certainly don't think that the young freak in the video has truly left and I am pledging to let him take control from time to time.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Big changes or more of the same?

First blog with any content and news.Yesterday was the first day back for second semester and I must say it could not have come sooner as I was starting to lose my mind (which is never a good thing for someone training to be a teacher) from boredom. It was nice to see some familiar faces I haven't seen in a while who have started mid year. It was a strange feeling to witness the confusion for new students to Masters of Education at UWS, which seems far worse for mid year intakes who get far less help and hand feeding of information. It was, however, gratifying to be able to offer advice and help for these friends. Honestly, I had no idea that I had absorbed as much content and administrative knowledge as I have. I think it might be an interesting read for me to reflect further on the phenomenon of unconscious learning when I have a touch more time to reflect and write.While the start of the semester came just in time to cure my boredom, it also coincides with some personal and financial complications. I'm not really at liberty to divulge most of the personal stuff so I'll chat about the financial.I have a very limited income and the past few weeks have placed some stress on my funds. I seem to have had some cash disappear out of my account and my savings, I have noticed this at the same time as I need some cash to buy books and fix up my car and buy new tyres. Thankfully my Dad has come through for me with help in paying for this stuff. Regardless, this series of events has led me to pledge to be far more thrifty and conscious of my finances. I have created possibly the most complicated personal budget one could imagine where I am allocating and limiting the spending of my limited income in order be able to pay for my costs and save up for some products in order to reward my savings instead of wasting cash on crap films and fatty food. In my list of goals is: a new Laptop, pay off my car, a new bass rig, a digital camera, a new video camera and many more things.With such limited income I'm going to struggle to achieve ANY of these things this year so I'm trying to grow my income stream. I have started tutoring, so far I have only one student but I'm hoping this increases soon.In addition to the tutoring I'm going to start looking around for some solo acoustic covers. I am currently putting together my repertoire of songs. I am trying to select songs which: I enjoy playing, I play well, are popular but are not flogged to death by every pub cover band in the country (There will be NO living on a prayer if I can get away with it). I am open for any advice on getting gigs and what kind of prices to charge, what PA set up to use etc.Of course, The covers thing will NOT take priority over DINKIBIKE. The band has been my focus for a long time and it doesn't seem like that will change any time soon, It certainly won't be beaten by something like doing covers which offers very little creative expression, Although I will try hard to make these songs my own.I think the next Blog should be all about DINKIBIKE so subscribe and see

Greetings and salutations

Hey, Here is my introductory Blog.
I'm curious to see how often I add to the blog but You can expect a variety of things on this Blog such as my opinions on Music, Politics, History, Education and so much more. In addition to this I'll chat about my life, review CDs and gigs, post some poetry, talk about the happenings in My band DINKIBIKE and hopefully, when I get the suitable technology I will post links to Music and videos.